Work Day Play Challenge | Aly Gray Fitness
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Work Day Play Challenge

  • 20Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This challenge goes out to my busy boss babes! When workouts seem impossible to squeeze into your hectic work-day, take this challenge to crush those fitness goals for just 5 minutes at a time. Join for workouts available at your own pace, on your own time, and in your own space. It's all about prioritizing fitness without sacrificing work. Between business calls, sending emails, or attending zoom meetings, set a 5 minute timer and perform a series of exercises in an AMRAP style. What does AMRAP stand for? As Many Rounds As Possible! Why do you need this challenge? Well, the average person can focus for about 90 minutes with higher quality brain power before needing a mental break. Use this 10-day course to recharge, boost your energy and build your mental and physical strength without needing to leave the office! Amaze yourself and see how much you can accomplish in 5 minute intervals. Do you have random moments of free time? A 30 minute lunch break? Whatever your schedule is, this AMRAP challenge will maximize your workout time and might just improve your day. Toss your heels to the side, and let's get movin'! (All while wearing slacks I might add😜) Time for work-day play!

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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